With corrupt cops hot on his tail, Daredevil desperately tries to make a new ally.
When the cops attempting to arrest Matt accidentally tip him off that they are working for Fisk he fights back and flees the scene with a wounded Vladimir over his shoulder, but not before they manage to put a bullet in him. Matt dives into an abandoned building and calls Claire for help with keeping Vladimir alive long enough for him to spill the beans on Fisk. Unfortunately, Vladimir still doesn’t trust Matt, and continues to try to fight back.
When an officer investigates the building and finds them there, Fisk’s men take the opportunity to surround the place, trapping them inside. Another fight with Vladimir sends the two men crashing into the basement, leaving the cop tied up upstairs. Fisk contacts Matt over the cop’s walkie talkie and tries to convince him to kill Vladimir. When Matt refuses Fisk has his people release video of Matt beating up the cops from earlier, and has the news organizations speculate that it was the man in the mask that set off all of the bombs as a part of his vendetta against the Russians. Further piling on the bad press and trying to discredit the new hero, Fisk sets up a sniper attack to take out Blake, the corrupt detective that Matt flushed out to find the Russian’s locations in the first place, and blames that attack on him as well.
When Vladimir goes into shock and dies, Matt fights to revive him, finally winning the man’s trust. As Fisk’s men breach the building, the two discover a way out of the basement and into a connecting sewer tunnel to escape, but Vladimir chooses to stay behind and fight to help Matt get away cleanly. He warns Matt that Fisk cannot be stopped by the law, and that if he wants this to end he will have to be willing to kill. Unconvinced that Matt will be able to do the job, he gives up the name of Leeland Owlsly, Fisk’s accountant, in the hopes that it will help.
Meanwhile at the hospital, Karen and an injured Foggy watch the news and hear about the vigilante’s involvement in everything that is going on, and worry about their missing friend.