Daredevil S1:E9 Speak of the Devil

Simple Synopsis

Death and devils corner the conversation while Fisk plans a trap for the man in the mask.

Daredevil squares off against a freaking ninja.

Flashback to some time before, Matt goes to see his priest, and discusses the nature of the devil, trying to decide if it would be more sinful to kill Fisk or to not not kill him. Returning to the office he finds Karen and Foggy discussing Fisk’s sudden appearance on the political stage with Ben, and the four try to decide what to focus on next.

Nobu approaches Fisk, demanding the city block that his organization was promised, but Fisk is unable to deliver, since the tenants refuse to move out. When Nobu insists on that particular block, Fisk sees an opportunity for both of them to get what they want, and asks Nobu to bring in a specialist from hiss organization to deal with the man in the mask.

Mrs. Cardenas visits Matt and company at the offices to let them know that the new owners have doubled their offer to get them to leave, but Foggy convinces her to stay and fight for her home, despite Matt’s reservations. Seeing no other course of action, Matt decides to visit Vanessa, trying to get a feel for Fisk, but accidentally runs into the man himself. Afterward he returns to the priest for another round of discussion about the nature of evil.

Daredevil squares off against a freaking ninja, and it is not going well.

Returning to the office, Foggy reveals a newly minted sign for their door, signifying a more official start for their law firm. Before they can hang it they are called out to the morgue and learn that Mrs. Cardenas has been killed by a junkie in her building. This sets the firm into a downward spiral as they drink through her wake, and sets Matt in particular on a warpath. As Daredevil, he scours the city, tracking down the junkie and the people who hired him, eventually bringing him to an abandoned warehouse on the pier, where he encounters a freaking ninja.

With time all caught up, Daredevil squares off against a freaking ninja, Nobu himself. Nobu admits that they killed Mrs. Cardenas the way they did to lure Daredevil out of hiding so he could face him. The two fight, and Nobu is impressed with Matt’s skill, but things are not going well for the masked hero. During the fight, Nobu becomes doused in gasoline, and Matt uses a desperate last ditch attack to save himself and shower Nobu in sparks, setting the ninja aflame.

Fisk arrives moments after, and thanks Daredevil for taking care of Nobu for him, though he regrets that Daredevil did not also die in the process. He confirms that he was behind the ruse to kill Mrs. Cardenas and draw Daredevil out, causing Daredevil to vow to kill Fisk. Fisk gives him his shot, but with Daredevil already badly hurt the hero doesn’t stand a chance against him. He beats Matt to within an inch of his life, and disappointed leaves Wesley to finish the job. At the last minute, Daredevil musters the last of his strength to deflect Wesley’s gun and leap out the window into the bay.

Foggy, drunk from the wake, heads to Matt’s apartment to talk, determined to keep fighting for justice for their murdered friend. He hears a crash in the apartment and breaks in, finding the man in the mask as he collapses on the floor. He is about to call the police when he decides to remove the mask and discovers Matt’s secret.

Nobu demands the city block that Fisk promises him, and the two hatch a plan to remove Mrs. Cardenas and the other tenants while also drawing out the man in the mask. Matt struggles with the morality of killing Fisk before learning that Mrs. Cardenas has been murdered. Investigating the murder sends him straight into a trap against Nobu, a skilled ninja fighter. Matt kills Nobu, and Fisk nearly kills Matt, but he is able to barely escape and return, dying, to his apartment where he is discovered by Foggy, blowing his secret identity.